Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and the Menopause

polycystic ovarian syndrome and the menopause

Menopause is a natural progression for every woman in her later life. It happens when menstruation has not occurred for one entire year, triggered by the gradual fluctuation and fall of progesterone and oestrogen hormones, which usually happens around the age of 45 to 55.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is partly due to a hormonal imbalance where oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels are out of a natural balance and is partly when the body is holding excess acidity (toxicity) around the ovaries, which leads to cysts growing on the ovaries, as an attempt to ‘vacuum’ the toxins and protect the organ.

As the menopause and PCOS both heavily relate to sex hormone imbalance, it can be assumed that perhaps they are connected or that the menopause can relax the hormone imbalances that create PCOS symptoms.

Are PCOS and menopause connected to each other?

Interestingly, it is said that women experiencing PCOS tend to go into the menopause two years later than the average woman, the reason to this is unknown. The menopause itself bares no treatable way to alleviate the symptoms that PCOS brings, since the perimenopause phase does not work to reduce the internal toxicity or the hormone imbalances that trigger PCOS and for this reason, menopause does not cure PCOS.

Are there any overlapping symptoms of the menopause, as well as PCOS?

The most commonly shared symptoms are weight gain, thinner hair and hair loss, which are mostly experienced in the perimenopause phase. Other shared symptoms can be irregular or missed periods, infertility, mood swings, irregular sleep patterns, male pattern hair growth on face/head/ body, weight challenges, skin problems, headaches, chronic pain in the pelvis, lower libido.

Symptoms that can be experienced in perimenopause that do not occur in PCOS are hot flushes, night sweats, painful sex, uncontrollable bladder, vaginal infections, vaginal dryness. The only symptom that can be experienced with PCOS that do not occur in perimenopause is acne.

Do the symptoms of PCOS ever change in menopause?

It is suggested that the excess of testosterone that women experience with PCOS does tend to lower over time, but this can take several years or more to occur, which is why menopause does not alleviate PCOS symptoms or stop them from occurring in general.

Is there a way to help the shared perimenopause and PCOS symptoms?

The best way to find relief from perimenopause and PCOS symptoms are;

  • Consuming a plant-centric, wholesome food intake
  • Staying hydrated each day with good quality water
  • Frequent and gentle exercise
  • Practicing relaxation techniques i.e. meditation
  • Reducing processed foods, alcohol, caffeine
  • Avoiding smoking and/or second hand smoke
  • Going to bed and getting up at regular times
  • Limiting electronics in the bedroom to help with sleep
  • Using aromatherapy before bedtime
  • Waxing, plucking, or using hair removal cream may help unwanted hair

The best way to find relief from perimenopause symptoms i.e. hot flushes and night sweats are:

  • Wearing breathable, cooling clothing
  • Making sure to wear layered clothing, to adjust with body temperature
  • Limiting caffeine, alcohol and spicy foods
  • Use a fan as much as possible
  • Keeping your bedroom and workspace at a cool temperature

If you need further support and guidance for PCOS or  menopause symptoms, make an appointment to have a discussion with your doctor. 


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